Představení fondu
Aplikace investiční strategie
The company warns investors that the information provided is for informational and promotional purposes only and is not an offer, invitation or recommendation to invest. Before making an investment decision, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the wording of the fund's statute. Investing involves risk, which can lead to a decline in the value of the investment and a capital loss. The value of investment shares changes over time and the fund's historical results are not an indication or guarantee of future results. Investments in the fund are subject to the risks specified in the fund statute.
The information presented here has been prepared with the utmost care, but may be subject to changes and updates, and neither the fund nor the manager provides a guarantee regarding their correctness or completeness. Taxation of the fund is determined by law and may be modified when the law is changed. Only a qualified investor can become an investor in the fund. More information at: .
KID and other information:
Detailed information, including information on fees and risks, can be found in the articles of association, which are available electronically on the website , in the Czech language. These documents are available in paper form at the contact points of CODYA investiční společnost, as
The fund manager is CODYA investiční společnost, as, which currently manages 17 funds with a total asset value of over CZK 10 billion (as of July 1, 2022). CODYA provides professional services for investment funds of qualified investors and special funds, which mainly include the creation of the fund, its management and administration.
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